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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024


  • But there’s still a human behind the wheel. AI hasn’t gone rogue and is creating stuff 100% autonomously. Someone still has to give it prompts and make various tweaks to get it to generate the image they want. There is still human intentions and choices being made.

    That’s what I mean by definitions that try to exclude AI art fall flat, because AI is a tool. Nothing more. We don’t dismiss digital artists for not using ink or paint. We don’t say people who create impressive 3D printed works aren’t being creative because they aren’t using a hammer and chisel. People have access to digital instruments and can create whole songs by mixing them from their phone, we don’t claim it’s not music.

    AI is a tool. An actual human person prompts it and manipulates it to create a work. It’s infinitely faster than previous methods of creating art, and takes a hell of a lot less training and experience, but it’s still art. For better or worse, it’s still humans sharing their intentions, thoughts, and emotions with the world.

  • I mean yea? It’s election day for an election that I think both sides consider pretty important. Granted, that’s a bit of hyperbole, but this is a far cry from a call to violence. Harris could say the exact same thing, in fact she’s likely has said something similar.

    Saying this is a threat isn’t just an overreaction, it’s downright embarrassing. This is the kind of crap the right shares to try and paint Dems as weak, thin-skinned, idiots.

    Trump says so much awful shit that warrants this reaction, but not EVERYTHING does FFS.

  • There were a bunch of closed door meetings with upper management and the busy season was set to end in a few weeks, so the writing was on the wall.

    I had some of the most consistently highest metrics so I went into our VP of Operations office and straight up asked if I would be let go on X date. He told me no.

    To be fair, he kept his word. About 70% of the staff were let go on that date. I was let go 2 days after that.

  • Yep, I get no positive feelings from exercise. I do it to keep my blood pressure down and I fucking hate it. People say after a while it begins to feel good and you look forward to it and I want to punch all those people in the face. I started about 4 months ago and I’ve hated every day I’ve gone.

    Exercise fucking sucks. I get hot and sweaty and feel like shit afterwards. The only positive emotion is a vague sense of relief that it’s over when I’m finished.

    “Jogging is the worst. I mean, I know it keeps you healthy; but God, at what cost?” -Ann Perkins