There’s actually an HAI video on that. Those names were actually a direct result of an attempt by Amazon to curate their products better.
There’s actually an HAI video on that. Those names were actually a direct result of an attempt by Amazon to curate their products better.
I have a 4gbit line, and while I usually use Usenet to download a lot of torrents still easily reach 2-3gbit up/down.
I’m working in live video and there’s a lot of proprietary codecs out there that vlc doesn’t play by default. Most of those are lossless/very high bitrate lossy formats designed to be encoded and decoded quickly for things like instant replays, so not something the average consumer would get their hands on.
One of the good things valve has been doing recently is cracking down hard on smurfs/alts. I started league last year and was often the only actual new player in the game. Imagine the amount of toxicity I got when people found out there was an actual noob in their new Smurf’s matchmaking.
Bad play doesn’t matter as much if everyone is actually on the same level. If everybody is bad, nobody is.
Making a typo in the BGP config is the internet’s version of nuclear Armageddon