I was classmates with Chris Reed for years in highschool. Sure wish we would have let him play his trained position and see what he could do. Dude is a beast at creating running lanes
I was classmates with Chris Reed for years in highschool. Sure wish we would have let him play his trained position and see what he could do. Dude is a beast at creating running lanes
It’s such a great stadium!
The lions losing just makes that Denver game and the unflagged spearing call hurt all over again
You never finished reading the post did you? The last two sentences are the key five away here. Please try taking the extra 10 seconds to finish the post next time.
Right? We lost that game because we couldn’t score points, but for the love of God protect the players! Dobbs is the kind of QB that could have a really fun career as long as it doesn’t get ended early because of a jackass like Jackson
Fuck The Staints! That said, when you are a guest in our house, you get the Midwest hospitality.
Hasn’t Dobbs also fumbled 8 times this year also? That means this dude is responsible for 13 turnovers himself in only 8 games.
If he goes negative at any point in a TD to turnover rate, he’s out in my eyes. Then we go to Hall.