• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • The Private Estate is larger than the Crown Estate. And the Crown Estate is public property.

    Next year, the sovereign grant will remain unchanged at £86.3m. However, in 2025, the king’s public funding will increase by a projected £38.5m, giving the monarchy an annual stipend of £124.8m. In 2026, it will be £126m.

    When was the last time you got a 50% pay rise for doing fuck all? Those boots must be really fucking tasty.

    Catch a grip.

    Lord Turnbull, a former cabinet secretary, Whitehall’s most senior civil servant, who was involved in official discussions over royal financing, accused the Treasury of seeking to obfuscate how the monarchy was funded.

    He said that linking the royal finances to the profits of the crown estate was “silly” and was motivated by a desire to promote the idea that the king was paying for himself and was reducing the burden on the taxpayer.

    “You get people writing in saying: ‘Isn’t it a good thing that the king is so sensitive to public opinion that he has waived some of the money he could have had?’ I think it’s bollocks. It is deliberate – that’s really what makes me so cross about it. It is a deliberate attempt to obfuscate how the thing works.”

  • We don’t need to stop doing them (we need way more). We do need to stop incentivising lowball cost estimates at the bidding stage and then complaining that the cost is so much more than expected.

    And we need to stop outsourcing all the big jobs. There’s no need for anyone to make a profit out of infrastructure that is absolutely necessary for the economy to function properly. Govt needs to relearn how to project manage and regain the institutional expertise required to do it well.

  • Yes. But politics.

    I don’t know whether this is real or Cameron going off half-cocked again. I can’t see this government (or the next) doing any such thing (sad to say). Although it is pretty obvious that Cameron’s plan does not include allowing the Palestinians to elect their own government. Installing some technocratic version of the PA without any real independent statehood is not going to cut it.

    Pretty sure this is just words. To what purpose is unclear.

  • The word was coined as satire. Brain-dead liberals centrists took it seriously and, here we are.

    I have been sadly disappointed by my 1958 book, The Rise of the Meritocracy. I coined a word which has gone into general circulation, especially in the United States, and most recently found a prominent place in the speeches of Mr Blair.

    The book was a satire meant to be a warning (which needless to say has not been heeded) against what might happen to Britain between 1958 and the imagined final revolt against the meritocracy in 2033.

    Down with meritocracy

    Edited because too many people don’t know what liberal means.

  • My computer gives me notification pop-ups but it doesn’t do it when I’m sharing my screen because context matters.

    Some things are easy to standardise. But walking into a wall, or a lamp post, or into the road or a parked car, or barging into someone else, or going a long way around because there’s a big group of them mostly on the side you’ve decided to robotically choose, or any number of other complications, really aren’t worth it for the almost non-existent computational expense involved in choosing the best path forwards, like we all do all the time almost every single day of our lives.

  • expensive clothing brands

    Buying designer gear from outlets is something you should definitely cheap out on. ‘Fast fashion’ prices with designer quality. I’m not at all convinced the designer gear was ever worth the official price tag but I am very sure that it’ll last longer because you can’t sell a pair of leggings for £75 if they’re going to fall apart or bag out instantly (or at least, you won’t get away with it for very long). Getting those same leggings for a tenner is the way to go.

    Sad to say, they still use the same sweatshops as fast fashion brands, they just pay more for the quality control. So you still need to care about how the brands conduct themselves.