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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023

  • I have been very happy with my X1 Extreme. I did have an issue with the keyboard and later the touchpad, but I paid for onsite support so it wasn’t a big deal. They came out a day later and fixed it right there at my dining table.

    I would say buying a ThinkPad is worth it for their paid support options alone. When I had a keyboard problem on my old MacBook, AppleCare took like 10 days to fix it. Lenovo’s premium support is reasonably priced and they don’t mess around. A person picks up the phone when you call and they treat you like you are important. If it’s a hardware problem, they are not fucking around. They don’t care how it happened or ask a bunch of questions. It’s covered and they are fixing it. Fast.

    The X1 is also super easy to work on. It’s easily disassembled with normal tools and upgradable parts like SSD and RAM are right there when you open it up. They don’t do dumb things like solder in the RAM or leave you without an open slot. This thing is designed to be repairable.

    Linux support is flawless.

  • You’re missing out on watching a lot of progress bars while you reinstall all the time. If you like what you have, keep using it. All you get from switching is a different package manager, a few slightly different package names, maybe faster updates and a new default desktop background. You’ll still be using all the same apps, probably similar versions, probably systemd. It’s a bigger difference logging into a new desktop environment than a new distro.

  • It’s made by a lot of the original Opera team, including the founder. They have some nifty features that either require an addon in Firefox or are unavailable. Tab tiling is the one that I miss almost daily when I’m using Firefox.

    They are an innovative group that often pioneers features that eventually trickle down to other browsers. Although it’s based on chromium, it’s an excellent browser that offers better privacy than Chrome. They have done a great job building a browser that caters to power users but can also be configured to use a simplified UI similar to Chrome.

    If they had container tabs like Firefox it would be my favorite browser hands down. They have profiles like Chrome that work much better than Firefox profiles, but each profile is a separate window whereas container tabs can be mixed in a single window.

  • The headline makes it sound like a bad thing, but that’s more than plenty for launch if they are distinct apps that represent a variety of use cases. Frankly, it’s a lot more than I would expect for a new product like this. Sure, there’s VR and AR available now, but Apple has a track record of rolling together existing tech in a package that’s more accessible and often more useful. You can throw a few things out there to showcase what’s possible, but you also have to wait and see how consumers actually want to use it. They will find use cases the creators didn’t think of or were unsure about. Then the floodgates can really open up in terms of apps. I really wouldn’t be surprised to see people wearing these things out in public.

  • Do what you feel you need to do. Beehaw was my first Lemmy instance, although I have since left. What I initially liked about it was that there was active moderation and the admins seemed to do a good job keeping things running. It was a chill place that didn’t really appeal to the more toxic types you run into on the internet. It was like a friendly little bubble and a good home base in the fediverse.

    While I appreciated that toxic instances were blocked, I felt blocking instances simply because they didn’t have great moderation was a little too much. It meant I was missing out on a lot of good content too. I understand the decision but I realized then that the original Beehaw community was more content to be insulated than I was. For a lot of people there, it was more important to have their own tight community than to be part of the fediverse. There’s no hard feelings about it. I enjoyed my time on Beehaw and contributed to server costs. I found another good instance that’s better federated and manages not to have a bunch of nazi and racist garbage so it’s all good.

    These conversations have been brewing for a while at Beehaw. I would imagine a lot of the people who don’t especially like the insulated approach have moved on to other instances or created alt accounts for when they want to interact with the larger fediverse.

    I don’t think anyone will miss anything if Beehaw migrates to a non-federated platform.

  • Not necessarily. You probably want to optimize the kernel and a few packages. Then there are some apps where you want to build them with specific features. Then there’s a bunch of stuff that takes forever to build where a binary would be convenient. Flags and optimizations aren’t that important for KDE frameworks or Firefox.

    Offering binaries is a really nice middle ground. Gentoo makes it so easy to build custom packages from source but it’s always been all or nothing. I don’t want to wait 2-3 hours building updated libraries or Firefox every time there’s a patch.

    Personally, I would be interested in a distro that had binary packages, easy builds like Gentoo and something like Arch’s AUR.

  • Yeah, it works fine. You might want to tinker with the packages as others have suggested but it’s exactly what you expect from Fedora. The only difference is it’s Plasma instead of GNOME.

    I had the same experience with GNOME on the family computer. I had to add extensions to make it more accessible. Then when they auto update you get dumped into vanilla GNOME until you log out and back in to re-enable extensions. I would get called over every time that happened. I switched it to Plasma and everyone is happy.

    One thing worth pointing out is the dash to dock/panel, just perfection and appindicator GNOME extensions are all in the Fedora repository. When you install them from there, you don’t get that janky behavior during updates where you have to re-enable them. Those extensions go a long way towards making GNOME more accessible to users coming from Windows or Mac. Default GNOME is great if you use keyboard shortcuts but it’s not very intuitive when you’re starting out.

  • Joker@discuss.tchncs.detoLinux@lemmy.mlFlatpack, appimage, snaps..
    9 months ago

    It’s been that way since the dawn of computing. Developers will push hardware to its limits and the hardware people will keep making a faster chip. A lot of software was laggy as hell back in the day. Not to mention, it didn’t have any features compared to the stuff now. Plus our shit would crash all the time and take down the whole PC. Sure, you run across some shockingly fast and good apps but those have always been few and far between.

  • They’re not losing. They are kicking the absolute shit out of the Palestinians. This is not even a remotely fair fight. The problem is most of these people didn’t have anything to do with 10/7, which means Israel is destroying any respect or goodwill anyone had for them when this started.

    Nobody would have batted an eye if they just wanted to get in there and kill some terrorists. It was 100% justified for Israel to respond. But you expect a tough, appropriate response and not some maniac shit. They have wrecked half of Gaza and have everyone crammed in the other half. This shit is nuts. It’s as bad as Russia with Ukraine and Russia is the absolute sleaze of the planet. Israel really went low here.

  • On the surface, the biggest difference between distros will be the package manager and the update cadence. Most package managers are generally comparable so I won’t get into that. The cadence has to do with release type - rolling or fixed - and the speed with which updates are released. Do you want the newest packages, LTS or somewhere in the middle? This is probably the first big decision to make when choosing a distro. The only real must-have here is you want a distro that provides timely security updates. Even a highly stable LTS should be pushing out security updates asap.

    Then you have default package choices, which are often superficial like DE or default apps. This can all be changed so it’s not much of a concern. But there could also be more impactful choices like whether a distro uses systemd or glibc vs musl. The mainstream distros tend to use systemd and glibc, which is generally good, but know that you have other options if your specific use case requires it. There’s also package availability, meaning the number of packages available in the repository, although this is less important than it used to be because you have options like Flatpak or Nix for getting packages that aren’t in your distro’s repository.

    There are also some distros created with a specific use case in mind, such as Alpine for containers or Kali for testing network security.

    Finally, you have structure and governance. Some distros have corporate backing, others are community supported and still others aren’t much more than a hobby. The ones with corporate backing typically have options for paid support. In general, you want something with stable and competent governance where it will continue to thrive even as team members change. You can find examples of this in corporate-backed distros as well as community distros.

    So your biggest choices are going to be cadence, structure/governance, and whether you may need paid support now or in the future.

    As for what distro developers actually do… First, they build the tooling and infrastructure to make their distro work - package manager, packaging tools, repository, etc. Then, they are responsible for packaging everything available in the distro. They are pulling in source code for all these apps, compiling it and putting binaries in the repository. They rebuild packages as required when there are updates to the source code. Some distros like Arch will build vanilla packages, meaning they don’t make changes to upstream code. Others may apply their own patches for various reasons. Some like Red Hat will provide patches to upstream apps requested by customers as part of their paid support services. So let’s say something isn’t working the way you need it for some random FOSS app included with the distro. You can put in a request and they will change it for you.

    As for your specific question about simulating Ubuntu on Fedora, that is not possible. They each use their own distinct package manager and repository. They generally have similar packages, but they are not interchangeable. However, there are tools like distrobox and distros like VanillaOS that have mechanisms for using another distro’s packages. These use containers under the hood so it’s not quite the same as just installing .deb on Fedora or .rpm on Ubuntu.

  • For starters, consider another distro if you want to make things easy on yourself. Alpine is probably a poor choice unless you have a reason to use it. I guess you could use it as a desktop if you really want to, but it’s more geared for containers and embedded devices. It uses musl instead of glibc so you will have problems running software that isn’t packaged for Alpine. The issue with Puppy is you will have a hard time getting help when you need it because it’s kind of a niche distro.

    For your first time, you’re better off using something more mainstream. You are going to run into some issues and it’s a lot easier finding solutions for popular distros. Debian would be a fine choice because it’s widely used and runs great on older hardware. Beyond that, you could look at Ubuntu, Fedora, PopOS and Mint.