Come on man. Clock awareness.
Come on man. Clock awareness.
How is that not a foul on Bam?
Shaq played for the Heat and hasn’t been biased. Reggie and Harlan seem like they’re on a fucking try out.
Damn the announce team is slobbing Miami
I think a decent offer and Middleton will be traded. Not saying I want it but I can see it.
That floor is fucking ugly
What a fucking pick 😆
Come on Garrett, tell us about not making Justin Tuckers kick harder
Maybe double team Allen.
Brie Larson is a sexy kidney stone.
Is Dak actually in the MVP conversation….
Didn’t they just get a first?
That’s a fumble
Wonder if Kelce is out for the game
Kendrick Perkins is ungodly annoying
15-16 shots missed within 5-6 feet of the basket. Make half and you win. This is gonna sound like a homer but… Milwaukee is a better team. They (looking at you Giannis) gotta learn to play primarily through Dame.
Stop shooting threes Giannis