• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2023


  • Your day been so bad that now you’re just trolling on Reddit? Tough. Good luck with what’s going on and I genuinely hope that your life gets better man. On a real note though;

    Yes, I have played basketball, I mainly do pickup after graduating HS, because A)I’m really not good enough to try to either make it a career or even do the 2-3x a day workouts required by most college athletics, and B)It’s a lot more enjoyable to play basketball for fun, so if some dude posters on me, or calls a foul on how I’ve played, I’m just able to laugh it off knowing that at the end of the day, we’re both going to be sore asf and feel that we’re the best player in the world.

    I have been nutmegged, multiple times, and that’s actually where the idea comes from. After it happened 2-3 times I realized that it was because my legs were too far apart, so I would start playing a ‘bait’ style where they’re even further, but at an angle so I’m in more of a position to get the ball. I have never done so in a college/professional situation, (b/c I suck) so the refs I would use it with never got paid enough to actually read the rule book.

    So I was asking more so If it’s legal, since I know parts of it are possible.

    Sorry your day sucked and now you’re trying to passively-aggressively take it out on strangers on the internet. Hope you have a better one tomorrow.

  • Yep, I was thinking one of those pickup situations, where they are really just nutmegging the opponent in transition for the flashy aspect, and I was just thinking moreso of the defender pivoting and forcing the offensive player on a different route. After all, I figure a defensive player would be given at least a little leeway to at least turn and run towards the ball.

    Like if Trevor Ariza had pivoted on his left leg, swinging his right towards the ball, and making a beeline trying to force Trae young to either A) let the ball, or B) have to initiate contact; instead of shoulder checking in this play

    Obviously it probably wouldn’t have worked that well, and in this play Ariza isn’t given much time to react, so I’m giving this as more of a visual to build the idea off of

  • Yeah, I’m sorry that I wasn’t super clear. I didn’t mean turn and try boxing them out/stopping them in their tracks, I meant more so in a box out/loose ball kind of situation. Where you use a pivot to shift into the lane they want to occupy forcing them outside of their path towards the ball, allowing you the best lane.

    Much like when you use your arm or side to “box-out” a player when you’re going for a ball going out of bounds, where you are just forcing them to take a less ideal lane

  • Okay, that makes sense. I was thinking that a player could argue that the ball is now loose since it’s not in the vicinity or control of an offensive player and could play it like a loose ball.

    I wasn’t thinking much of a blocking foul because I figured the ball would be considered an out of control ball, much like how an over the back foul is called when an offensive player tries to jump over a boxing out defender after a shot or a loose ball