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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • It’s like you’ve used each thing once in some specific game where it was badly implemented and decided that’s how it looks in all games.

    There is no objective “it looks like this”, every game does things slightly or very differently. I’m certain you are unusually blind to detail, have serious vision problems, or you’re just very good at convincing yourself of your own bad ideas.

  • Here in Sweden they always ask: “Do you want the cheapest option?” when you buy prescribed medicine. If there’s a reason for a specific manufacturer then that’s stated on the prescription.
    I’ve even had them say that the drugstore I’m at is out of the cheapest option and then ask if I want them to look up which drugstore is closest that has it in stock and if they should send them a note to save what I’m looking for so there’s no chance it might sell out before I get there.

    And there’s also high-cost protection, an annual maximum amount (about $275) you can spend on prescribed medication and anything else healthcare-related. So any medication you buy and the cost of any medical services you use are added together and if that cost reaches the maximum amount within a year everything is free until the next year. So basically you can’t pay more than $275 per year for medication and any other medical services.

  • I come across that word every now and then, just like most other words that are not super commonly used. I feel like people who say things like this don’t interact much with anything outside of top-level mainstream media. They only know about and watch the most popular things, which are in general pretty dumb things. They only listen to whatever is the newest hit, only watch whatever AAA movie or series is currently being advertised everywhere, they don’t read or engage in anything else.