I play tinker that being said , pick heroes that take towers and or itemize to take towers, he hates losing tier 1 before lvl 2 rearm, dp, Druid, necro shoving wave
Huskar and meepo in lane and
I play every role, but ironically I feel like I forget how much I enjoy playing 5 because I have an absurdly abnormal lane winrate be it my Chen/Bane/Abba
Santa lost his slipper otw back to mom
Common Teaguv W, well done good sir
Will be zooing for a while
Yea it was removed , now he takes forever to come online and now gets shiva first item for farm and vision of the enemy.
Makes sense your name is ded server
God I love that we bring Dota to the greater homeless populations, it’s so considerate
I think it’s B’kor, I hope it’s B’kor
Make sure to demo them in demo with Cl_weathers1-10 Some are more/less appealing night vs day then they seem in YouTube videos
Potential waiting room coming
It’s a bug , I just finished a game where we won and were over complementing and circle jerking each other in post game chat because of how close it was
Possible TeaGuv stream Aware
Bears, monkeys and das boot is what I think
Razor and nightstalker cause fast and blue
Chen blink dagger + summon teleport talent
Summon info blink on target stun after pos3’s stun/disable, use rest of kit with mana burn or silence