Correct. I cant prove an unshared private message has been fabricated. No shit.
Correct. I cant prove an unshared private message has been fabricated. No shit.
There are hundreds of people who make accounts and refund them and only this one person is being forced to do a NDA…
This is like asking someone to prove someone else’s Bigfoot photo, which they claim to have but wont show you, is a fake.
No. This isn’t true and it comes from the crazy refund sub which is a circle jerk of sc haters who have been caught out in lies many times.
If your going to hate on sc there is plenty to legitimately hate without making up crazy shit.
We could have cured cancer years ago but the scientist grew up poor and ended up working the graveyard shifts in the mines.
With a lot of rock and some stone!
My guess it would be like the roughnecks cartoon.
She didnt touch up the dogs which is the true disaster here.
Because being around you gave me cancer.
This has been my experience. They just lie and string you along.
1 offer. Rejected by interviewee because company didnt give any salary benefits info until the very end.
I prefer the term kiss / kissing (in x’s and o’s)
If killing a bunch of women and children is freedom fighting then this world is fucked.
That is at least more believable than a NDA.