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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I’m sorry dude. Perpetual American war started LONG before Bush Jr.

    The difference is that before 2022 that half the nation rallied behind Republicans pushing that agenda.

    Post 2022, Democrats are identical to neocons, they just use the terms “neolib” and “progressive”, and liberals/former Democrats are told to just eat up the Progressive neocon bullshit. BeCaUsE tRuMp Is ThE eNd Of AmErIcA!

    Even if Trump gets in, liberalism still exists in America. Good people are ready to step up and not let Trump end America.

    The truly scary concept is not Trump, it’s letting Progressives let the Democrat party die, letting liberalism in America die, because the Progressives convinced you that they are the only one true savior of America, while they advance conservative agendas and stomp out any liberal voice of dissent.

  • To be honest, I was saying this largely because I was afraid that Jon was returning to shill for Biden and advance the “Union busting, rapidly expanding American poverty, global war, and genocide are okay as long as a Democrat is doing it” stance the Democrats have developed.

    Well, I have seen a couple clips from his return, and that is not the case. I guess I got jaded in his absence. I should have known that Jon is better than that.

    That said, I desperately want ANYONE other than Trump or Biden to take office next term.

    Jon has the name recognition, he has the knowledge, and he has the passion.

    My short list so far as been Bernie or Ro Khanna.

    Since Jon wanted a voice in politics again, I wanted to add him to the short list of alternatives so he can put his money where his mouth is.

    Back to the Future II already became reality when Trump got elected. Why cant Man of the Year become reality too?

  • 158,397,726 general election popular votes were cast in 2020.

    81,282,916 went Democrat. 74,223,369 went Republican. 2,891,441 went other.

    The population of the US that was over the age of 18 in 2020 was 258.3 million.

    That means in 2020, 31% of America was Democrat, 29% of America was Republican, 1% percent of America was other, and 39% of America was disenfranchised from the system.

    The majority of Americans, in a democratic election, have rejected the sham that is the modern Federal government.

    The winning “party” is “fuck all of it, its all corrupt.”

    Democracy in America has been dead for a long time.