Set reasonable expectations, you won’t make it to master+ in just one year. Your priorities right now are learning fundamentals and mastering them, any server that is not KR or CHN you can climb to high elo if you have the right fundamentals. Champions are irrelevant because if a OTP can climb to challenger using one champion then you can climb to a higher elo with any champions.
Coming from me who is also a midlaner, fundamentals make or break you in higher elos. Solo Q is not proplay, pro play picks won’t be effective in Solo Q as it totally has a different tempo and approach. I think for a start at least every season climb 5 divisions more than your last best. I’m not saying that getting to master+ or higher is impossible but it will take a lot of games and a longer amount of dedication.
Janna during the ardent censer meta was wild, I think that’s why she’s number 1 here. 2018-2019 Janna had a strong presence as a support and was one of the top tier supports, recent meta of engage and carry support totally ruined enchanter supports. I miss the days of Nami, Janna, Lulu bot lane supports.