This is out of context. Riley would have traded Caleb Martin for Dame in a second, but Portland wasn’t interested in Miamis players, and Miami was hesitant about trading everything for Dame.
Herro was averaging 26/6/5 before the ankle sprain. Duncan is averaging 14/3/3 on great efficiency. Jaquez is averaging 11/4/3 on great efficiency, and 15ppg over his last 10 games.
Caleb has been injured most of this year, but he’s coming off a playoffs where he could have been ECF MVP.
You also have Jovic and multiple picks that could end up being good and it’s understandable why Riley wouldn’t want to give it everything up for a 33 year old pg, even though he’s great.
I hate this style of basketball. It’s a track meet where everyone is out of control. More points doesn’t equal better to watch