Most of the major newspapers (this is from a UK perspective but I’d imagine they’re accessible in other places) have a live news page for big developing news stories - the BBC site is probably a good unbiased-ish one
Most of the major newspapers (this is from a UK perspective but I’d imagine they’re accessible in other places) have a live news page for big developing news stories - the BBC site is probably a good unbiased-ish one
I’m a big fan of -ussy as a suffix, especially when it’s wildly unsuitable for the purpose
It’s utterly ruined ales describing themselves as “citrussy”
Hold the newsreader’s nose squarely, waiter, or friendly milk will countermand my trousers.
The Dollop
Particularly the 1908 New York Paris Car Race episode
Just never go to Scunthorpe
Though I just realised I’m a walking stereotype
No contest, just look at these guys
Gotta be Mark Knopfler - Sailing to Philadelphia
Its great to hold! Very chunky in the hand. Functionality wise I only gave it the on/off, volume and input selection from the media devices, and then it talks to another esp32 base unit that controls some lighting over WiFi, but as far as actually driving the media controls I shamefully just use the Google Chromecast controls, I’m not savvy enough to set up a FOSS alternative yet
Thanks! Fraid not, it came together pretty ad hoc as I was building it.
Essentially the process was breadboarding the major components to get them talking and sort out the software, then built the main board to hold everything in position, then built the box to fit around it all
Yeah the battery management board is a bit flaky so keeping it charged is a pain! Yeah it’s just doing IR for the various living room devices, sound system, TV etc so I didn’t have to keep tabs on 4 different remotes
The inside - I hope y’all like cable management!
Maybe my little DIY walnut cased ESP32 universal remote
How would you rate your jumper wire neatness compared with his?
Henderson’s Relish - it’s similar to Worcestershire but hyper local to Sheffield (and it’s vegan cos no anchovies) and we’re all weirdly proud of it
Had a little breakdown, quit a job I hated, started a business, got married. It’s been a wild ride
When I was about 4, I was jumping on the sofa, back and forth from one arm to the other (because the middle was lava, obviously)
Misjudged it and ended up going headfirst off the end into a china cabinet next to it, glass doors and all - I ended up missing the first month of school, 32 stitches and basically half a Glasgow smile to show for it, I’m told it looks very cool