He thinks he’s so tough yet always a victim 😂
He thinks he’s so tough yet always a victim 😂
I need monk to keep shooting
Really about to give up 110 through three.
Oh yay more fouls. Take these refs out back and really show them what a foul is.
We have to find a way to upgrade Barnes. Has to be a top priority.
Another soft little foul from our guys. They just refuse to actually fucking foul to hinder the shot. Just soft swipes.
Warriors acting like they’re in SanFran with earthquakes, they just somehow can’t stay on their feet and end up on the floor.
I don’t ever want the ball thrown to Mitchell to shoot. Just be selfish instead monk.
These aren’t fouls
Sabonis gets a wide open layup and passes it out to Barnes. Come on.
Huerter = soft Sabonis = soft Duarte = soft Barnes = soft
What happened to monk? The only player showing fight (other than fox kind of) left and hasn’t came back.
I like mike not calling the TO. Fucking figure it out assholes.
Would love if Barnes grew a sack and bodied up on defense
So now even fox is playing soft?
Pack it up.
There ya go Sabonis. See, you are allowed to shoot!
Quit being a pussy Sabonis. Dude has moody on him and looked to pass.
If Sabonis isn’t willing to attack Saric, honestly just get him the fuck off the floor. His lack of defense and unwillingness to play offense other than passing isn’t making it any easier when it basically turns to 4 on 5. If I’m Mike, I’m telling Sabonis he better start looking for his shot and working mismatches.
Protect the golden boy. Everyone worship LeBron. If you don’t you’re ejected.