We should’ve been playing our regular game for tip off. Brunson getting 2 shots was dumb but because it worked we had to keep running the game through #30
We should’ve been playing our regular game for tip off. Brunson getting 2 shots was dumb but because it worked we had to keep running the game through #30
lol you guys about to start complaining about everything you were hype about in the first half
Randle thinks this is MyPlayer this game lol. We’re going to get all the good and bad today
That was the worst I’ve ever seen Randle in a defensive possession wtf
Breen didn’t get why they were booing Miles lol
Don’t like that Brunson 3. That was an “I feel left out” shot
Randle is feeling himself. Not sure if that’s a good thing
That might be the best rotation I’ve ever seen Randle do. Is this game the one?
You’re getting downvoted but I agree. People really don’t understand how hard it is to play team defense when you have one guy who is barely giving effort on that end.
You guys were acting lost when people weren’t concerned with how Brunson’s season started. We all knew he was going to bounce back and easily be our best player.
Robinson’s trainer, crying about how he doesn’t get offensive touches is crazy when you look at dude’s free throws. Worry about that first smh
Idk how you can watch what Randle did in that 3rd quarter and think how he plays those other quarters is full effort…
Man Randle is just out there for the vibes
IHart needs to teach Randle how to pass
Brunson is really different
The SRS didn’t lie. Our team is easily a top 10 team in the league. Top 5 defense, top 10 offense.
IQ out scored their whole team in the 4th quarter
I don’t care what anyone says about Brunsons defense. He at least tries
Man how many threes is Randle going to give up???