• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2023

  • OYM-bobBtoDota 2@level-up.zoneWhat should a new player do?
    10 months ago

    Do not turbo, its a Trap.

    Enjoy the game.

    Play multiple Heroes.

    Do not full theory or full playing. Instead, theory, apply it for 5games, theory again… Repeat

    Do not full single Heroes or full change every game. Instead have 2 to 3 signatures Heroes that you Come black regulary to focus on something else than learning skills, but also play all Heroes AT some point to have a général knowledge of the game.

    Start by using guides and following them blindly, adapt only on jour signatures Heroes

    Demo mode must be mastered, démo and try a lot. Mechanics in dota are something long and hard to learning, sometimes pro gamers keep learning. (There is a TI final, og vs liquid, where thé TA player learned something during an important fight, just so you get that its a long and hard learning curve)

  • OYM-bobBtoDota 2@level-up.zoneWhat was your first Dota 2 hero?
    10 months ago

    Back in dota TFT, I had 3 mains heroes :

    Drow ranger, used to build battlefury because regen + damage (that didnt scale with passive), then multiple hyperstone for piou piou !

    Balanar, BF first too, sometimes soul booster for more hp/mp

    Lich, I tought ultimate was lind of channeling that worked sometimes, was hard to get the bounce. I disnt jave custom hotleys so I had to clic nova (was pn « v », same as moving).

    I’d say the 3 heroes are very beginner friendly and fun to play, even more now ! Low skill floor but high skill ceiling