AUSTRIA. I see our chances as VERY slim. We got the german Honor and craftsmenship hero and the swiss caretaker and bastion of hope hero. I don’t think they’d add a third hero from another german speaking country all too soon, if at all.
That said, I’d love for our hero to be a classical inspired supportive DPS, similar to how Lucio is inspired by modern music. Her character should be on the more philosophical side, but other than Mercy and Reinhardt represent a “neutral ground” that is sympathetic to both sides of a conflict, even if one is seen as true evil by most. She possesses a magical violin she can use to attack enemies and shield allies. Every time she deals damage her dmg bar depeltes, but her shield bar fills up, every time she shield allies her shield bar depletes, and her attack bar fills up. Both can fluctuate between 50% of normal shield/dmg and 200% of normal shield/dmg. The explanation for that is, that any time she goes against her true nature of and only “plays music for one side” (only using attack on enemies; only using shield on allies), she has to put more emphasis into playing her music for the other side. The fact that is shields some and dmgs others can be explained somehow too, I’m sure lmao; make it philosophical and put it in her voicelines.
Gameplay: (thrown together in 5min, don’t pay too much mind to usefulness lmao)
She attacks with her magical violin notes that fly a short distance and then travel very slowly for about 3 sec before disappearing. They and can be used to create somewhat of a short term minefield, wherever she goes. (Zoner Type DPS). Her skills can make that field of notes detonate to send them bursting out into multiple directions to either shield nearby allies or damage nearby enemies depending on which skill you use. She should also have one movement enhancing skill to help her get in and out of position better. Her ultimate makes her immobile, , like Junkrat’s Ult, playing a crescendo on her violin while summoning a storm of notes she can control freely, that push around and deal dmg to all enemies it touches for a few seconds and she can use a one time burst to end it and make it dissolve, not dealing any dmg, but providing a medium sized shield to all allies around it.
Definitely not weird in my book, but I did get some weird looks for it before: My default Meele Attack button is Left-Alt. It’s super intuitive just slipping your thumb that’s always firmly placed in the Spacebar just 1cm to the left to punch ppl.