Book goes boom!
Book goes boom!
This was gold. He’s a pathetic defender
Should we trade KD?
Lmfao @ that ending. They said fuck your 40
Loving this team with book and kd. This is the shit we signed up for
Kbd a beast let’s fucking go!!!
He just re-enacted the game winner over Lebron in the finals
Nurkic has been a net negative so far. Teams aren’t even trying to respect our centers. It’s crazy how many times the best option is to have them finish and they consistently can not. We got cut off last year to go to Ayton all the time. It’s literally the same shit except defenses took away the open 3 from the bad shooter and shifted it to our center taking a contested layup
Very sad. He was the reason the suns started turning around for the better. Dude brought love to Phoenix when our team was not very popular at the time
I think the problem really is on the creating while Durant is out. Prob should just go all in on the offense side. Maybe keep nurk out while kd sits. They could try metu instead of eubanks. Goodwin, Okogie, eubanks all ruin spacing
Let’s win the cup championship!!!
Mine works perfect. I had to adjust the antenna a couple times and re scan the channels in
We gotta trade something for a point guard at this point
This team is so bad
Goodwin should start gobbling up all of Okogies or watanabes minutes at this point
That was the craziest replay seeing a guy jump on kd with his entire body weight and even grabbed his entire arm and body as the steal was happening but nah fuck them fouls
We were two wins away and a couple unlucky bounces from the championship :(
Classic Scott foster. Always bigdicking everybody