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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • The idea of “posthuman cyborgs” is so fanciful, that I don’t think you are connected enough to reality to even make an accurate judgement on “the possible.”

    We have the technology TODAY, RIGHT NOW to go to mars and make it back. There is no over-arching reason to do such a thing, but there are also no significant technological barriers preventing us from doing it. Human Cyborgs are 100% impossible today, and there are a myriad number of things preventing that kind of development. For example, we cannot today, keep a brain alive for any significant time, outside of it’s existing organic support body. Individual neurons? Sure, but a system of neurons at any comparable complexity as even a simple mouse brain? Nope. On the other-hand we have actually kept people alive in space for over a year, and we only need around 2years to get to mars and back. We also have the capability to send things to mars and bring them back, so combining those two things, and there ya go.

  • Historically the free-market has never attempted to do anything except maximize profit. The way the contracting system works in the Us, you never have to actual produce anything to get paid, all you have to do create a shell company that will produce the thing you are contracted to produce. When the shell company can’t produce the thing, you blame it on the suppliers of the shell company, and then you pocket the contract money. At no point would shells ever be produced.

  • “cheating” meaning doing the exact same thing a regional telecom monopoly has been doing since AT&T was incorporated in the early 1900’s. On the other-hand 5G can’t “compete” with traditional broadband and had to lobby the FCC to be considered broadband at all. In all likelihood wireless internet will never be a viable alternative to fiber/copper infrastructure if you look at latency, over-subscription, and the effect that density has on service in addition to theoretical speeds.

    will it be “good enough” for most people, sure. But most people were perfectly ok with dial-up internet until streaming video became the norm too. It doesn’t mean that dial-up should have existed as long as it did.

    In conclusion, internet service should be a utility with highly regulated SLAs and minimum service agreements. Or just skip the liberal bullshit and nationalize the telcos.