Sure you can do that as a laner, farm your wave, take plates whatever but as a jungler you will most likely have to give an objectives and before you know it the enemies have 3 dragons stacked up and your team flaming you for objectives.
FF next is not an option… you know how stubborn emerald players are refusing to let go of games even though they know they are lost. Most of my lost games that were decided around the 15 minute mark stretch to 30.
can’t even do that… people in emerald are refusing to surrender even when down by a huge amount.
The worst thing about smurfing is that your laner gets stomped and the enemy goes on to make the game unwinnable…
I’m aware of this but I get the feeling that the enemies are more resilient compared to my teammates. Like it doesn’t if I gank them 10 times they are still going to find a way back into the game or even solo kill my laner. When one of my laners gets put behind its pretty much a lost lane…