Ram’s base design is so good that most of his skins are just silly looking sidegrades.
Every Junker has an ability where they leave stuff on the ground. According to Overwatch, all Australians pollute and litter.
Lore wise, Zenyatta wins by doing nothing.
All my Roadhog voicelines are questions.
All my Junkrat voicelines are “Happy _____!”.
Reinhardt makes a very specific grunt noise every time he charges. I sometimes hear that noise randomly in my head and it spooks me every time.
The character designers realized that they’re never making another Japanese hero again so they jammed every remaining Japanese trope they had in mind into Kiriko and called it a day.
According to Dva, Reaper doesn’t smell like anything, unsettling so.
Ganymede is retconned into a parrot who now translates for Bastion.
Orisa’s the Overwatch equivalent of Stealth Rock considering how she bullies certain heroes out of the meta.