honestly if theres no toxicity in chat, even if he cant type, he should slowly gain back bs. thats why there are 2 different systems for griefing and communication. also 1700 games legend on a 53% wr doesnt look suspicious to me.
honestly if theres no toxicity in chat, even if he cant type, he should slowly gain back bs. thats why there are 2 different systems for griefing and communication. also 1700 games legend on a 53% wr doesnt look suspicious to me.
the system is just being abused. i was 10k bs all the time, 12k after the update. i abandoned 2 games right before the game started, because of griefers being mad that someone stole their role in immortal draft. my bs dropped to 10k, communication score to 7.8k. i have chat disabled anyways (only unmute for role if 2 carries) so i dont mind, but people pretty much spam report teammates for losing, doesnt matter if warranted. so its impossible to climb back up. 60 games of no chat and tryharding still netted -200 comm.score. pretty sure it will get fixed spon
sure, whatever narrative fits your head cannon.
the only prove you have are for the last 250 games. valve doesnt check old reports. so stop acting like your personal opinion are facts
how is his worldcloud remotely toxic
most supps in my team try to make my life miserable
watch valve buffing this abomination like last 2 patches
funniest thing is, you know the meta is shit when a carry like slark who loves tanky enemies and long fights is dogshit because while having 6000hp, they also outdamage and out-cc everyone. i got fuckin killed by 1 kunkaa aghs on pos 1 yesterday, feels so terrible to play atm
im 7.5k euw, climbed to that rank from archon 3 in about 1-1.5 years. the most obvious difference is the lack of aggression. divine players dont contest every cs they can, supports stand back and watch their cores farm, its just way slower gameplay in general.