• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I have a large family, always wanted kids, but seriously do not understand people who need everyone else to do the same thing they do. Like, what the actual fuck? If someone doesn’t want kids how is that my business? It’s like they don’t have confidence in themselves and need the whole world to agree with them. Just live your life, it doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing.

    That picture doesn’t make sense though, unless she had 3 sets of twins some of those kids would be older, and as the billboards here used to say “two years apart is baby smart”, it is easier on your body if you give yourself time to recover. Three sets of twins back to back, your womb would prolapse.

  • You are suffering exhaustion as a symptom of your depression? That is what this post sounds like.

    Not sure we can help with that.

    When I have exhaustion from overwork and cannot immediately adjust my circumstances, giving up (acceptance of what is going on) and more exercise, even if it means less sleep time available, has been the most helpful but it’s a short term strategy. The exercise improves my sleep and raises my spirits.

    Then eventually the stress ends and I get a migraine :( and then back to my normal.

    But I have never suffered depression.

  • I was vegetarian for about 20 years and never really missed meat (feel like for most people, giving up meat only means giving up 4 things - pigs, cows, chickens, and fishes), but vegan I couldn’t do. Cheese. And mayo and eggs. I joke with my vegan daughter that the vegan versions are made from xanthan gum and wishes. But yeah things like chicken nuggets? Processed meat things I can’t tell the difference and for some items do like the veggie or vegan versions much better - burgers in particular, I love all sorts of veggie burgers but hate hamburgers. Order black bean burger with bacon and cheese at my work cafe and nobody bats an eye so I’m not the only one.

    Healthier as an omnivore, I’m sure that’s different for different people, but for me personally it is working better.

  • Not really, no. Was an anorexic teen, so kind of like you but in the other direction, then so poor we just ate what we could, at this point in my life I am at a healthy weight and can certainly tell physical hunger from wanting to eat, and can tell the difference between not hungry and lack of appetite from anxiety around eating (the latter is very infrequent now). May have broken it in all the years I had water when hungry.

    I don’t have a repetitive diet though, and don’t do endurance sport so maybe don’t have the specific cravings. And try not to ever eat too much. And women in general do carry more reserves even when lean, I don’t know if that makes a difference.

  • I do also hate granite countertops. They are ugly! I do keep one granite slab top cart because the cool surface is great for working pastry or chocolate.

    Best countertop we ever encountered in a rental was that Corian stuff, I’m sure it terrible for the environment but it was seamless and wonderful. Second place the old old old Formica counters in my old house. Those I could clean with bleach and they survived more than 70 years, so tough.