Way back when I used to go to the football with dad - kids under 5 could take the train for free, but weren’t allowed in the stadium, so I was 4 on the train, and 5 when we got to the stadium
Way back when I used to go to the football with dad - kids under 5 could take the train for free, but weren’t allowed in the stadium, so I was 4 on the train, and 5 when we got to the stadium
I’d love to live in a place with workable public transport, but where I live it would add an hour to my commute each way; effectively an extra 10 hours a week at work
In Germany (and other parts.od Europe as well to be fair) carts need you to put a coin in them to unchain them from their bay, which you get back when you chain them back up - so yeah, kinda, if you don’t put it back you loose your euro
sigh guess I need to go write another letter to my MP
Good thing there hasn’t been any remotely exploitable security bugs in any of the mail system components in the 6 years since Debian 7 went EoL
sigh I thought we’d learnt this by now.
Repeat after me:
Upvoting a post is a signal that the post is good content, not that you endorse the content
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Hypodermic hamster
Satan’s scrubbing brush
Lil’ pricks
Yeah, I understand - fwiw, RNZ is the national (government backed) broadcaster, and has an explicit mandate to elevate the perspectives of iwi. Black Sheep specifically has done a few episodes about the musket wars and land confiscation that really don’t pull punches.
Another that might fit your brief: https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/stuff-the-british-stole - from the ABC, and for the most part does a really good job of setting up the story with some historical context, then letting the people actually effected tell the rest
If you are interested in different culture more than different language background, https://www.rnz.co.nz/programmes/black-sheep might be interesting
Looks like it’s an x86_64 kernel though? So this is a VM - it’s not running as a paravirtualised system, it’s having to emulate everything from the CPU up?
If a project is hosted on sourceforge then its a pretty good sign that the developer hasn’t progressed their craft since about 2005, which is a pretty big red flag for anything
Kinda sorta. The Moriori settled in the Chatham Island (a few hundred km south of New Zealand) and were later victims of genocide at the hands of a Maori tribe during the musket wars. Previously it was assumed that the Moriori came to the Chathams in a separate wave of migration to the ones that brought the Maori, but more recent evidence seems to point to them arriving in New Zealand at about the same time, then moving south.
There were a few species that went extinct between the Maori arriving in NZ and the Europeans showing up, but expecting an ecosystem to not change when a new apex predator shows up is just “noble savage” BS.
Oh totally. There was an election and a change of government to one that is typically more business friendly, so I guess the hope was they’d roll back the rules but they were actually pretty popular with the public in general
This is New Zealand, but yeah, basically the same deal
Where I’m from, there was a huge egg shortage for a while because ~5 years ago the government passed new laws to try and make things marginally less horrible for chickens. The entire industry decided that they were going to do… basically nothing, then the rules came into force and there was lots of winging from industry people that 5 years want enough time, and how hard it was not being able to sell all this product that they kept producing for some reason
Iosevka is my personal favourite, but will need to spend some time scrolling through
Or, alternatively, coms management is important and formally declaring an incident is an important part of outage response - going from “hey Bob something isn’t looking right can you check when you get a sec” to “ok, shits broken, everyone put down what you are working on and help with this. Jim is in charge of coordinating the technical people so we don’t make things worse, and should feed updates to Mike who is going to handle comms to non-technical internal people and to externals” takes management input
its more likely than you think
Take it out/blow on it/put it back in
I’d say that if all you want to do is scare the shit out of some scientists in Antarctica you probably only need 1 polar bear