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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2023


  • I’m discounting that one yes. The powerful politicians that came out on top (all who were already upper class and power brokers beforehand), called it a revolution, but there was no class/societal upheaval, redistribution of wealth/land or anything else like happened in the many popular revolutions in Paris. It was just a change of government with some help from a foreign power at the end. A forced change of government or coup d’etat can alo be called a revolution, but it’s pretty obvious that it’s not the same thing as fe the 1789 revolution in Paris.

    I’ll refine my previous statement: what the UK needs is a good proper popular revolution.

  • For France that was a great peace treaty, way better than what many French people would have expected, Talleyrand had worked wonders. After Waterloo there were many who would have wanted a complete dismemberment of France, but instead the pre Waterloo negotiations were followed and a relatively strong state was created, with all the territorial gains of Louis 14 left intact.

    That peace was also far better for French people than Napoleon’s endless large scale wars of the prior 15 years. It’s that massive death toll that we should blame Napoleon for, not the treaty of Vienna. And after a bit of a respite, the french did kick out the Bourbons again, so that peace did work out ok for France. It was easily a far better peace than the “peace” of Versailles after WW1.

  • Which french revolution? ;) There’s lots of people who saw and still see the whole french revolution thing as a net positive. The UK has never had a good proper revolution and it shows.

    Napoleon did a lot of things, but those bad things were in line with the absolutist rulers from before the revolution, he just happened to be more successful at it. But he also did many good things during his rule. Fe, the Napoleonic code was hugely influential worldwide and a major change for the good. 2 centuries later it doesn’t hold up as well in the countries that still use the same justice system, but for it’s time, it was really good. Overall, I’d say Napoleon still has a stellar reputation, unlike India.

    How was Norway worse after they last gained independence from Sweden?

  • The gtx 1650 only has 4gb ram, I wouldn’t call that similar to a 1060, I call it worse :). It’s an entry level + 2 generation older card, it’s going to be good enough for many titles still, especially indy ones, but new games that push graphics to new limits are just not going to work. Even when it was new, it was only really suitable for 1k gaming with compromises in the graphic settings.

    Tbh, I don’t get why you’re so set on getting an Nvidia card. Unless you’re into vr or ai, amd and intel really aren’t bad choices. And since all current gen consoles are using AMD GPUs, all game engines + fancy games will be optimized for AMD gpus anyhow.

  • RunawayFixer@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlHonestly
    9 months ago

    I live in Belgium. There are police officers who are racist, which is to be expected since a lot of Belgian non police officers are racist too. But they are not allowed to be openly racist on the job, because that can have consequences for them.

    Are our police fed up with the inner city street youth in Brussels, who mostly have an immigrant background? Definitely, but that doesn’t mean they are any more racist than the immigrants who are also fed up with the with thay inner city street youth. The root cause of those persisting problems is also a failing judiciary, not cop culture.

    But the thing is, the conditions, that make it so that “acab” is a thing with many police agencies, are not present in Belgium.

    Our police does not have qualified immunity, there are no no knock raids, there is no “we investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong”, there is no systematic omerta to protect each other when crimes are committed. People aren’t even afraid of dying or getting their dog killed when they call the police.

    There are isolated scandals obviously, police people are human after all and there are all kinds of humans and all kinds of circumstances.

    There have been a few police scandals in recent years, but unlike with the USA police we keep reading about, those had consequences for the police officers involved. There is a very recent one of a group of police officers sharing racist memes in a private Whatsapp group and guess what, they got reported by colleagues and after an investigation, several police officers were fired.

    Is the Belgian police perfect? Far from it. But are all Belgian cops bastards? Certainly not. Our cops are not a gang that stands apart from society, they are very much part of it.

  • RunawayFixer@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlHonestly
    9 months ago

    The policies of politicians and the humanism of police are not the same thing. A new party in power will also not change the culture of the workforce of an established service overnight, such a thing takes time. Time that those politicians usually don’t get in a functioning democracy, because in far less than a generation, another coalition of parties will be in the majority.

  • RunawayFixer@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlHonestly
    9 months ago

    It’s not a thing where I live. There’s going to be other countries where the police operate like a gang, but it’s just not the case in almost all OECD countries. In authoritarian states like Russia and Iran, sure, but in functional democracies, it’s just not the case. The USA is a big exception, it must be part of that american exceptionalism thing.