What are the champions that you are trying to play on support? c:
What are the champions that you are trying to play on support? c:
Thank you for writing out such an awesome comment! The amount of love im getting really warms my heart c:
I mostly play Cho’Gath in SoloQ and on Stream only
I love to pick Senna/Bard or go play some Support in General, whenever i get burned out of Cho’Gath.
I never really pick him in norms or flexQ anyways so i rarely get burned out c:
Yone c:
You could beat me o_o
Do you have any specific questions regarding the cho + senna lane? c:
I play tons of ADC Cho’Gath too and honestly, dont like playing with a Senna that much.
The Cho’Senna Lane just revolves way to much around Senna and is not really enjoyable for the Cho’Gath, in my opinion of course.
I prefer playing with a Karma/Naut/Rakan or my personal fav. Zilean c:
You can get there mate! Love seeing this champ being played, keep it up c:
I have played against and with Gumayusi and almost every pro player/streamer that plays in EUW. My fav person to play against is baus and rekkles, both have such strong macro play, its so fun to mind-game each other through wave-states.
There are two more players called “allan walker” and “aldachogod”, those are pretty good cho mid mains, but usually im the only one in gm+ (i hope i wrote their names correctly, especially after the Riot ID change)
Nashors is such a fun item to build on him (not really that good but really fun), works well with HoB c:
Possibly, i used to play both Katarina and Irelia before changing to Cho - id say, its way easier with highly mechanical champs than with someone like Cho c:
(Also you could “meta-abuse” but that just be boring)
To sum it up, i prob could get higher elo on more “modern” champs but getting it with Cho is fun c:
its fun - league is fun - cho is fun c:
I do have a guide! https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/season-13-sakuritou-challenger-rank-1-cho-world-guide-609864
You can also always ask me specific questions C:
I like simple champs and wanted to get chall with a champ that isn’t a “typical” high ELO Champ. Started Cho around 2 years ago c:
He will 100%, i will really… really miss it tho.
Well played!