I’m not one to go solely by the numbers for penalties but some of these are crazy. Like the non horse caller tackle call, or intentional grounding when there was clearly a receiver.
I’m not one to go solely by the numbers for penalties but some of these are crazy. Like the non horse caller tackle call, or intentional grounding when there was clearly a receiver.
the more notable one of course being their appearance in the 1998 when the 14-2 Falcons would fall to the John Elway led broncos.
This is nothing lol. That’s like 4 games at most? Jets haven’t beaten Patriots since December 27, 2015. Bears haven’t beat Packers since December 16, 2018.
Udoka masterclass.
Love is 2020, which is looking like one of the best QB draft classes ever.
The more crazy part is that they never lost back to back games the entire regular season.
Yes, k think they were 78-4 at home over those two years.
These type of complaints are dumb anyway but especially dumb because of the on season tournament where point differential matters. One shot could change everything. We’re already seeing the impact that banked on Booker three is having.
I’m the last 5 games where the Celtics play their starters against the Bucks, they are 5-0.
Brees would’ve won MVP with that almost any other season, but Rodgers decided to play god mode that year as well. He had 45 TDs to only 6 INT in 15 games despite sitting out most fourth quarters because they were up by so much.
Booth lmao
Broncos defensive rankings are misleading because of how horrendous they were early on especially the 70 put on them by Miami. They have not even the same defense as they were to start.
Ugh. The ONE time I want the Chiefs to win lol.
Is anybody surprised by the Giants being dead last by a mile?
I feel like this is deja vu from the beginning of last year and the beginning of 2019, where Klay has a horrible start and then ultimately ends up having his best season.
To get SGA or Luka, they’d probably have to give up Steph lol.
CP3 should’ve put that up.
I miss Jim Barnett. Being a Homer is one thing, this is flat out defying reality.
Lmao 5 T’s in one game and 3 ejections with Draymond losing his mind in another.
I think Denver is up there as well, they have 3 Super Bowls in this time frame and until 2016 were contenders pretty often. You could make an argument for GB as they have two, but given how often they underachieved, that gets a bit tough.