It’s a joke! This website tries to be funny/satire.
It’s a joke! This website tries to be funny/satire.
Just in case no one bothered to check: This website is satire. The list is not there, because that’s the joke. Not a good one but, oh well.
If you don’t believe me: From the About section:
Hard Drive is a very real video games news site that you should not question. Just absorb the information as truth and move on. JK it’s satire don’t ban us.
Just as a heads up: No Man’s Sky has the creative mode where the whole survival stuff and the mindless basic material collecting is pretty much turned off. My daughter and I went on relaxing treasure hunts just the other day, jumping between solar systems and walking around on dangerous surfaces without grinding stuff first. It is a do-what-you-want game at this point.
“Hey Google, wipe my ass!”
It’s like falling asleep while two friends are talking on the other end of the room.