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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 26th, 2023


  • You mean like someone intending to make a logical argument but being incapable of it because they’re actually spewing propaganda instead?

    We should believe the parts of the BBC article that back your argument but not believe the other parts of the same article when they contradict you?

    We should believe that Russia has the best, most infallible assassins on the planet, but we should also believe that Russia would never try to assassinate someone?

    With such a weak, easily disprovable position, it’s pretty obvious why you so quickly shifted to ad hominem attacks rather than trying to defend your position.

  • Them telling drivers to meticulously clean the vehicles doesn’t necessarily mean they’re afraid its going to rust. They’re probably concerned with staining and junk getting embedded into the panels. In the forum post, you can actually see a little bit of staining circling some of the debris on the panels. Furthermore, iron particles can get on the panel and rust themselves even though the actual panel itself isn’t rusting. This is why they make iron decontamination spray for auto detailing.

  • I said “that argument goes both ways” meaning “my candidate would have won if X, Y, and Z happened” is always valid regardless of the candidate.

    You can’t rewrite the past, so you’re inventing a hypothetical/fictional scenario based on your opinion. In a fictional scenario, anything is possible. Your argument was “if more people voted for Gore, he would have won” and I countered with “if more people voted for Nader, he would have won.” You can’t claim Gore was the best choice because the best choice is the one who wins the election.

    In a democracy, it is obviously more fair if you compromise than everyone else compromises. You either don’t believe in democracy, or you’re happy with things never getting better.

    What a joke. The “you” here is the entire American public while “everyone else” is a small handful of wealthy, powerful individuals.

    Can you explain how continuing to elect corporate Democrats makes things better? Are we better now than 10 years ago? Are we better than we were 20 years ago? There’s obviously a quality of life trend here, and it hasn’t trended up in quite a long time. You’ll predictably place the blame solely on Republicans even though Democrats make up 50% of that equation. Republicans sure don’t seem to have the same issue passing their legislation. Why do you think that is?

  • I’m talking about the fact that we keep getting Clinton’s and Bidens as our nominees because that’s what the party leadership wants. They choose who gets the backing, who gets the funding, who gets the airtime, and who gets to debate. The primaries are little more than a sham to give us the illusion of choice because this private organization already picked their winner. You claim elections are less predictable than ever, yet there’s a 100% chance it’s going to be one of two people, either the D or R, who’s going to win, both backed by the same wealthy donors to do their bidding. That’s the illusion of choice.

    Your fighting, eh? Well, how’s the fight coming? At what point do you consider the fight won? Do you envision some point in the future where Republicans no longer hold office and the country is some utopia of pure Democratic leadership? Good luck accomplishing that when, as I stated above, there are only two choice on the ballot and one of them is Republican. That kind of solidifies their place in government as they’re the only alternative for people to vote for. That ensures we’ll keep having people like Trump waiting in the wings and taking office every time a Clinton-like candidate runs against them. This also ensures that Democratic candidates don’t actually have to do jack shit for the country as they’re going to get your vote anyway. This is why I stated that elections might as well be automatic based on party registration and why it’s an illusion of choice. You’re not fighting by voting D or R. You’re just perpetuating the status quo.