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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • It depends on the law really. There is no one rule.

    For example, owning lockpicks is in many places not illegal, but owning lockpicks with the intent of bypassing a lock is.

    Some laws are very specific about the severity or testability of a crime where as others are not. In that case a judge has to interpret the criteria for legal tests, either from previous case law or by building new case law.

    In any case, being charged for something or not is a completely separate issue. Things are no less illegal just because the state has no resource or will to execute the law.

    Also, being charged does not mean you broke the law either. Nor does judgment determine it (although it’s a very strong hint) since a latter appeal could acquit you of chargers.

    The determination of guilt is in the facts of what happened. And that’s the whole point of the legal system. Being charged, getting judgement, appealing. It’s all a process to determine guilt or not. It is not itself the mechanism of guilt.

    The idea of a “guilty conscience” enshrines this idea in expression.

  • The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several different sources. The license shall not require a royalty or other fee for such sale.


    Paradoxically (or not), restrictions on selling software is a fundamental violation of freedom. When the OSS movement says free, it means freedom as in free to do what you want, not free as in free beer. Of course, that freedom also includes the freedom to give it away.

    So in practice, that usually results in exactly what you lament: free software with a business model on top to support its development and pay programmers so they can eat.

  • To add to what has already been said about it taking a large effort, the follow up question is then, why don’t governments fund all this effort publicly through taxes, like what is done with roads, scientific research, education, healthcare?

    Well the short answer is that high-performance computing specifically is a strategic resource. Publicly funding roads only benefits the country doing the funding, so that is an easy decision to make. Meanwhile, much of the publicly funded scientific research has minimal to no strategic value (or may only be of value in states capable of that investment in the first place), so this is also an easy decision to make. But giving away technological investments in strategic ressources to rival states is a pretty bad move.

  • TBW is a measure of performance/resiliency for drives being written to very frequently.

    You use the word “backup” which implies infrequent writing. “Redundancy” is what we call duplication of data that is copied very frequently. Very different application. So how frequent are you making these copies?

    In the 20TB range, a few offline HDD are by FAR the most economical backup solution, even in triplicate. As far as reliability, the MTBF of an offline HDD stored properly is vastly greater than the upgrade cycle. Even less of a concern with triplicated backups.