• 1 Post
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年11月20日


  • What dgpu it has, since it has a dgpu expect the battery to suck, if you really prioritize battery look for the lower ryzen 5, mine is an i5 using the iris igpu i still max out to 4 hrs, having a laptop with dgpu really suck for the battery. What ryzen does it have, it might not have an igpu, if that’s the case, expect it to last 2 hrs max.

  • Search for teardown videos of the laptop, most probably that’s upgradeable, check if its running on single channel if it is then it might have another slot. About the ram size, most laptops are restricted to the motherboard capability so basically your motherboard dictates the maximum size you could put in it. Oh btw if its still within warranty, ask support if you could do it yourself, you might void warranty. Also, try to give it enough space to breathe or elevate the laptop for the cooling system to deliver enough air to the system. Don’t play when ambient temps are scorching.

  • I wouldn’t recommend it, in short term it ain’t actually gonna make any damage, but in the long run you might regret it. Heating up when playing games is absolutely normal, but overheating is a different thing. Usually when a laptop is heating up, its just hot in the base cover and in the ventilation system, if there’s one. If you can feel the keyboard is being unbelievably hot that’s obviously overheating. If you really plan to play games on the machine, like I always do, play on a cool area with good ventilation preferably with air conditioning. Windows might try to stabilize temps by dropping your frames and reducing performance but burning cpu isn’t rare at all. Anyway are you running at dual channel doing so improves performance (but not the heating). Also, you need a cpu to run anything.☠️☠️☠️☠️