1 year agoAnything right wing podcaster-esque.
Anything right wing podcaster-esque.
I do that too. I’m reading 3 different ones right now. All about the same subject though (hiking – John Muir’s collected works, A Walk In The Woods and a book about local stories from the Shenandoahs). Maybe I need to switch it up a bit more once I get through them all. And I think as much as I love John Muir, his stuff is HEAVY in a way. Need something a bit lighter next time.
Yeah, I definitely need to do more of this. Been journaling, going to therapy, working on my self-awareness. But these days I’ve gotten so blind to what’s in my mind… apparently only when I’m reading do I even know what’s on my mind. It’s never been that way before. It’s a struggle.
Anything by John Muir. Love him, love his work, think I love his writing but it can’t hold my attention for shit.