Good inbound lads
Good inbound lads
The teams depth is dogshit
Wait is Reed out too?
I can’t wait for Morris to be traded
I’ve seen Doc Rivers consistently put the corpse of Jordan on the floor and there’s no fucking way this happened. I’m gonna need to watch the highlights to confirm.
Can they stop sucking LeBron off pls
2 for 1 will never not be stupid
I had to leave for a few minutes and Morris went off? If I didn’t see it, it didn’t happen
Lakers knew they could double Embiid and leave Morris open at the ft line
With 3 bench players out, I think it would be a good opportunity to get Terq or Council a chance, to see what they have.
No hesitation Tobi is best Tobi
AD gonna cook because Bball talked shit
Gonna be one of those shooting nights huh
Watch the Embiid haters complain about him getting free throws with no context at all
Not even close to a foul, watch some bullshit excuse to not overturn it
Joe is definitely hitting the game winner isn’t he
Make a shot ffs
Lol ref’s pels don’t need your help