1 year agoI get your vision. At least Joseph and Honey sort of had a reason rather then Beatrice and Butterscotch were just unprepared teenagers. I wouldn’t go as far as saying there relationship was “happy” before the death of Cracker Jack. Definitely beyond toxic, but I guess times were different back then. Another good relationship I was thinking of was Joseph and Beatrice. That whole thing with burning all her things traumatized her till she died (literally). Not to mention him threating Beatrice with a lobotomy, “you don’t want to end up like yout mother, now”.
I want to say Honey is my number one contender as well.
But the most underrated backstory has to be PC for me. Her mother is such an over looked character in the show, the fact that she blamed PC for loosing her “one chance” during her first miscarriage is so toxic (especially when she was only a kid). Another one is when she gave PC shit for wanting to go to California for secondary education. That women (cat?) practically depended on PC after all her children left. And that’s just her post California life! It was so fulfilling seeing her have Ruthy after all the trials and tribulations she went through. The fact that she wanted a family so bad and was infertile was so sad and heartbreaking. One of my biggest fears.