Yeah, people assume that because there is a general consensus that x change should happen, that riot games is obligated to make that change happen. I watched azzap’s reaction to phreak talking about the velkoz changes and he was flabbergasted that riot didn’t listen to his demand to not buff flat damage or ap scaling…
I agree that phreak did act a bit rude in that video, but I’m pointing out the entitlement players tend to have.
Well, what do you suppose they do? Make them play in iron at the start? Then iron games will be ruined by people who are too good for iron. You could make the argument that new players make new accounts so they are probably gonna be low ranked unless they have experience in similar games but that doesn’t account for smurfs. Riot probably has much more data than we as players can see and have clearly determined that more games are ruined (or by bigger amounts) by having accounts placed low rank than plat.