Keldon is great this year so far!
Keldon is great this year so far!
Bill Land finally pronouncing Wemby’s name correctly tonight. Took him long enough but we got there!
Well, fuck. Learning not to choke a game is going to be a process.
This is an all-time promo, and it’s not even WWE. Dude has serious talent. What a burial, John Cena and Triple H would be proud.
Charles said “chooro”, which, as a French, I can understand Wemby’s confusion. First, we always “chichi” or “churros”, plural. Second, Charles’ pronunciation made it quite unclear what he meant.
But I can assure you that Wemby knows what churros are. They are everywhere at county fairs and everyone has had them at least once in their life.
Charles said “chooro”, which, as a French, I can understand Wemby’s confusion. First we always “churros”, plural, and Charles’ pronunciation made it quite unclear what he meant.
But I can assure you that Wemby knows what churros are. They are everywhere at county fairs and everyone has had them at least once in their life.
Pop with the gigantic smile on the pass and dunk from Wemby, I love proud papa Pop so much!
Bill Land is back with the “Wembanyana” classic, fuck me.
For God’s sake, dude is paid to anchor Spurs games. How hard is it to learn how to pronounce the players’ names?
It’s game day Spurs fam!
Kawhi. I firmly believe that if he doesn’t get injured, this whole shit show doesn’t happen and the Spurs dynasty of winning championships just lives on.
Did Nike hire a 13-year old to design these? 99% of them are hideous and look like they were made using MS Paint.
I mean, did Nike’s head of NBA design just enter the conference room, shouted “make the most plain design you can” and left?
Holy fuck.
Fucking hell man