TrapinatorBtoLeague Of•Is anyones Ranked Matchmaking broken aswell? or am i tripping?English
1 year agoYes. If you filter by new there is like 7-8 threads like this in the past 48hours or so. In the last few weeks, the matchmaking has been worse than ever. (think of unranked iron silver gold plat emerald in the same game FOR SOLOQ). People have had enough and many also say they have longer queue times. My guess is people are staying away from ranked modes or at least fewer players are queuing because of how much it’s a shit show atm.
It’s a bit of both really. Matchmaking is turbo-garbage since border color is not a factor anymore so less people feel incline to play. So longer queues and a smaller pool to draw from so you get even less quality matches.
I stopped playing soloQ when as a plat 4 I got an iron 2 and the previous game got a caitlyn adc who ? ping me when I went roaming after her every recall as the support. She also never left bot lane and blamed me for not sticking with her 24/7. It’s then that I knew the skill disparity was all over the place this season. Worse than previous seasons. So now I waste my time in flexQ because it’s not taken as seriously and frankly I don’t see the difference between flex and soloq anymore.