I must have seen a dozen posts ripping into Bazzite for “cloud native”. This is a dumb decision that they need to run away from.
I must have seen a dozen posts ripping into Bazzite for “cloud native”. This is a dumb decision that they need to run away from.
That was cringey as fuck but I guess get the word out in whatever way works
…what was “obvious”, exactly? You haven’t even explained yourself, much less provided any sort of citation.
He was also called out on it, and even ADMITTED it! (Apologized) Then said he would be more open in the future. Note he didn’t say he would change, only that he would hide it less! Fool me once…
None of that ever happened. In fact he regularly declines sponsorships from various companies with ethical conflicts.
Also the incident where he was a total asshole to a small cooler developer, and used the prototype wrongly, then wouldn’t deliver it back, despite that was the agreement, and it was a pretty expensive prototype to make for a small company, and then he auctioned it away!
When you run a large company, this sort of dumb shit happens. He has since apologized, made the victim whole (or as whole as can be) and hired a CEO to handle logistics. You act like it was done maliciously.
A note: I have entirely automated background updates. I have no idea how often it checks, or how often it updates.
Don’t take my word for it. Like I said, it’s written in plain language right in their Privacy Policy.
Firefox has never put a priority on privacy. Just take a glance at their privacy policy. And it’s plain to see that they are moving further away from it every day.
There are a dozen Firefox forks though. Mulch, DDG, TOR, Fennic, Bromite, etc.
If you bought an iPhone a year ago, you definitely noticed that you now only have to carry 1 cable, and all of your cable and accessories cost less because they don’t have to pay Apple an exorbitant fee to license their archaic and proprietary connector. If you paid extra for the “Pro” model you’ll notice wildly faster transfer speeds over USB. If you bought the base model, fuck you, you’re stuck with USB 2.1 because greed.
Stage Manager is the one where it zooms out to show all of your open windows and switch between them.
I see. Deb is definitely the most package-friendly.
GNOME combines Mac’s “stage manager” and “spotlight” into a single function activated by the Super key (windows key/command). It’s really excellent and probably my favorite thing about GNOME.
Atomic distros were created to solve exactly that problem. I like Bazzite because it also has seamless background updates (among other reasons).
I’m looking for good apps support so Debian?
Any Debian fork will run .deb packages. But plain Debian is just very vanilla and will be missing a lot of stuff you’ll probably want.
Wobbly windows (yes useless but cool lol) Good customization KDE connect support (a must) Krunner or equivalent (MacOS like search)
These are all going to be features of the DE, and you can install any DE on any distro (AFAIK).
If you want to type text into another window that isn’t focused, you need to switch focus before continuing to type so your text goes into the right window.
No you don’t, you just click the text box. Once. This works perfectly, and as expected, on Windows and Linux.
If you’re double clicking, it’s pretty much always because you actually want to double click on something specific in the UI.
Except it’s not. It’s because you’re trying to bypass the annoying ass “focus” feature.
Skill issue.
Okay so we’re moving onto personal insults now, I suppose.
I’m beginning to think you’ve never used any computer since you don’t even know what window focus is for.
Every other computer I’ve used works normally. Only Mac has this annoying ass “feature”.
So you can activate a window without first having to find a free space in the UI to click on (especially if it partially overlaps)
That would make sense if they were overlapping. They aren’t. There’s no need to “focus” the window.
What need?
The need to focus on the window before clicking?
Can you give an example of a window that gets minimized by clicking the red button?
I don’t understand the question. All of them.
drag and drop tile actions always work
No. It doesn’t. I’m beginning to think you’ve never used a Mac.
Can you give an example of a window that it does not work with?
I can’t. Because it’s completely inconsistent and I have no idea why or how.
Whichever one you install it on.
What do you do with all your music, pictures, addons, portable software?
I sync them to a NAS using Syncthing. Not just when switching but always. Already saved my ass several times.
You don’t switch monitors, you switch windows.
Well, theoretically yes. On a Mac, no.
It’s like that so you can click anywhere in a window to focus it without activating something in the window by accident.
Why would I want to do that? Why does double-clicking suddenly remove that need?
You can close windows with the red window button
No you can’t. It just minimizes them. Just like the yellow button.
You can absolutely drag and drop to tile windows
Like I said, sometimes you can, sometimes you can’t. Apple does not give any fucks about consistency or intuitive design.
and there are also keyboard shortcuts for it
On the other hand, I experience glitches on macOS regularly on the UI, especially on a multi-monitor setup (I use both Gnome and macOS with multiple monitors).
Multi monitor and window tiling on Mac are so bad, they should be embarrassed.
You have to click to switch monitors but if you do it twice it registers as a double click so you have to click…wait…then click again.
Sometimes you can drag windows from one screen to the other and other times they just…disappear as you drag then across.
You can’t close anything from the window buttons and the red and yellow buttons do the same thing. You have to go into the taskbar and right click to close them.
Then they took the time in Sequoia to add window tiling but it’s just such an awful experience. You have to hover over the green dot and wait for the prompt to popup and choose from a drop-down menu. WHY CAN’T YOU JUST DRAG AND DROP!?
That’s what I said
These are “desktop environments”. They are essentially the graphical elements you interface with the operating system. icons, windows, buttons, those sort of things.
The two most common are KDE and GNOME. KDE has a very Windows-like appearance and functionality. GNOME is the same but for MacOS.
Does it matter if it’s accurate if it gives everyone the wrong impression?