You’re gonna end up seeing a lot of Reaves running the offense like that if you trade D’lo FYI
You’re gonna end up seeing a lot of Reaves running the offense like that if you trade D’lo FYI
Karma for blowing out my team :(
Lebron saw Jalen Hood-Schifino dribble and called an immediate time out
The real MVP is whoever negotiated Monty Williams’s contract.
Finally they T him
So is Draymond not gonna get a flopping tech???
Wow those Kings jerseys are hideous
Glad Saric is in my fantasy league
Last 5 min of the game means Dame will start charging towards the rim and shooting FTs
Why do the refs let Giannis take 30 seconds to shoot 2 FTs
Worst game of the season by far, idc that we’re down players or that we’ll prob lose by less than the first Rockets game. Most of the 3s that were shot weren’t contested at all. And bitch about Embiid’s FTs all you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that he and Maxey made their presence known throughout the game which is something no one on the lakers can say they did.
Gg Sixers. Nurse has to be the front runner for coach of the year right?
r/lakers thread is fucking hilarious rn
I know we got 4 people injured, but holy fuck did we contest any of their 3s
If we cut this to single digits, I’ll add that to this game to the moral victory list
Fake comeback started early?
We may never make a 3 again
How many open 3s will we miss?
We have the battle of the free throws here and the battle for the bottom of the league (Wizards v Pistons) going on at the same time. We are feasting today yall
Pls give AD the Embid whistle
Could someone clip the lebron and max christie handshake