Illogical way of thinking. Using money is relative, one person sees buying skins as “wasting money” and the other person sees it as “spending money”. As long as something brings me joy I consider my money well spent.
Illogical way of thinking. Using money is relative, one person sees buying skins as “wasting money” and the other person sees it as “spending money”. As long as something brings me joy I consider my money well spent.
Och, that’s why it felt so weird recently.
Climbing out of Emerald to Diamond was exhausting only because of my teammates. It’s not like other ranks are not toxic, no, It’s just Emerald where people have “Diamond ego” with “gold performance”. Also MMR is absolutely fucked. I came back to the game after having a break for several years and after my placement games I was playing my silver to gold promotion game against emerald 2-3 players.
Even games in low Master are less coinflip than Emerald games. Introducing it to the game was a huge mistake.
Old Phantom Dancer back when it gave dodge. Absolutely insane.