That’s why I only use TempleOS
That’s why I only use TempleOS
I encountered a similar issue with NFS a very long time ago. I had to set the option for each of my NFS exports to have a fsid and make sure the fsid is different between them. So one folder has the option fsid=1 Second folder has fsid=2 and so on. I hope this helps point you in the right direction.
Another user posted a link to Calibre-Web in this thread and I would def use that instead of this.
My philosophy is this: all of the containers are deployed via docker-compose files, which are backed up. Any persistent data is presented over NFS to the containers using volumes. This way, in the event that the docker server blows up I just install docker, move the docker-compose files over, docker-compose up, and pretty much done.
I would spend the time now to get docker-compose files for each of your containers and then you can use the stack feature in Portainer to recreate the containers. You would then have full access. On the flip side, if you decide to move off of Portainer in the future, having those docker compose files are going to allow a much greater flexibility.
It took me a few hours to get docker-compose files created for all my containers, but now it’s so easy to create a new one, I just copy an existing one and change some of the variables around.
If you wanted to keep it simple, you could just use dynamic DNS.
The madlads actually did it. It only took them 2 years to put in a feature from the first game.