San Andreas Max Health + $250k. Saved me in the warehouse mission in Las Venturas lol. I hope I’m getting this right:
San Andreas Max Health + $250k. Saved me in the warehouse mission in Las Venturas lol. I hope I’m getting this right:
Freddy Got Fingered is one of the most underappreciated movies of all time, and I’m 95% sure he didn’t even want to make it. Glad to see Tom escaped the Hollywood bullshit and is living a pretty chill life.
Is that the official render of Donkey? That’s fucking terrifying.
No matter how many times I see this, “A 101.5 ‘The Hammer’ FM of Moths” makes me giggle every time.
Too true. Bethesda really peaked with Oblivion and Fallout 3.
That’s just my opinion, though. I know the Morrowind fans are having a good chuckle at what I just said 😅
It’s my favorite way to play New Vegas, though maybe only because I think vanilla is waaaayyyyyy too easy.
But New Vegas is the frontier, it’s still largely unsettled. Of course there’s still abandoned stuff, the only superpower in the area for a while only cared about the Vegas city limits. The “clashing of aesthetics” is deliberate here. People still live in somewhat disarray, and an advanced state with manufacturing abilities is moving in. Even in New Vegas, The Strip is in luxury and the rest is destroyed. It highlights part of the class struggle present in the game’s world.
New Vegas’s (and classic Fallout’s) thesis about the apocalypse is “Yes, there was an apocalypse. Nuclear bombs were how the world ended, but it wasn’t because of nuclear bombs, it was because of the behavior of humanity.” And then you get to see those same behaviors play out again and again, even after the apocalypse. Constant resource struggle, faction alignment, pushing ideologies. “War never changes,” etc. There is no shame in preferring a cool wasteland that you get to explore, like in Fallout 3 and 4, but I think it’s a tad unfair to point to the clashing of aesthetics like it’s a flaw when the main factions of the game are Romans vs WWII America. It’s pretty intentional for the story.
And I’m sorry but it is a video game at the end of the day. I’m not fond of wandering for hours with nothing to do or see in my free time. New Vegas has plenty of empty space as it is, in my opinion. It’s actually a downgrade (exploration-wise) imo from the awesome worldspace of Fallout 3. Whatever you like is whatever you like, but this has got to be the first time I’ve ever heard someone say game worlds are better when they’re less dense.
Fallout 4 is the worse Fallout 3, imo.
The shooter gameplay is definitely better in 4, the crafting system is pretty neat too. The story is like a weird reversal of the Fallout 3 story, with stakes that don’t feel as real as Fallout 3.
None of that matters, though. It’s a Bethesda game, and people don’t really play those for the main story. Here’s what really matters. The world of Fallout 3 is so dense, the side quests so memorable, that if you’re the type of player who loves seeing what’s over that next hill I think it would be a disservice to NOT recommend Fallout 3 to you.
This is kinda what I see from most people that dislike New Vegas. It’s definitely not a post apocalyptic game.
In fact, before Fallout 3, 1 was the only real post apocalyptic game in the series imo. Fallout 2 is a continuation of the world’s lore, so all the tribal villages have developed into societies. New Vegas expands upon this, with the societies becoming imperialist states.
So yeah, if you like exploring rubble then New Vegas is NOT the game for that, and Fallout 3 does that much better.
But, if you’re more interested in how society would develop after the apocalypse, New Vegas definitely tackles that question head-on.
Fallout 3 was my first, and I do love all the insane shit you can find in the wasteland. It will always have a special place in my heart. But to me, the NPCs are what really give RPGs life, and New Vegas has some of the most well-written, realistically motivated people I’ve ever seen in video game format. While the Battle of Hoover Dam may not be as grandiose (even though you can put in the legwork to make it fucking awesome) as the Liberty Prime antics in 3, it feels like the culmination of decades of real conflict. It’s not good guys vs bad guys, it’s 4 distinct groups that all believe they have the best plan to carry humanity to the point at which it existed before the war. I love it for that.
Yeah, Bethesda said “you guys only need 18 months to make this game, right?” and Obsidian leadership said, “Yep.”
Try the Viva New Vegas modlist sometime if ever you feel inclined. Pretty sure there’s a Wabbajack installer (one click install). I still think New Vegas is phenomenal, even with the bugs, and I suffered through about 700 hours of constant crashing on PS3.
I recognize, though, that most people aren’t so head over heels for the game that they won’t suffer to experience it, nor will they take the time to mod it. But man, it really is worth even playing on vanilla.
Nothing insane, but the Red Hot Chili Peppers as a band are older than Guns ‘N’ Roses.
Makes so much more sense now. But still.
Came here to post it.
Of course he sounded better, he had a whole band backing him up!
The Devil trying to cheat the contest is baked into the song musically.
Something else worth noting - the licks the Devil plays on the fiddle sound good but are easy to play. Johnny’s licks are legitimately complex. He beat that sucker fair and square.
Wow, wasn’t expecting to click that and see the old h3h3 intro. Really brings back good memories. That channel was pretty good back in 2014-2015.
Oh I didn’t take it personally. I really did mean to correct the phrasing, and I’m kinda pissed that I just typed what I was reading at the time anyway 😅
Maybe it works well for the story, but just because Niko doesn’t know about places doesn’t mean they shouldn’t exist for the player to find.
I don’t really mean crazy side missions, more small side content similar to how San Andreas had bars with arcades and pool, horse betting, driving school, flying school, collectibles, dancing, low riding, delivery missions, home robbery. Or how III had a place you could go get bombs put in cars. Small stuff that I think fleshes out the world.
The thing is, GTA IV and V do have some of this stuff, but I think their worlds are getting so big that Rockstar just can’t make enough content to fill them the way they used to. I know they like to push bigger worlds and better graphics with every game, but I think if GTA VI had a map the same size as V with the ability to enter every building and a ton of different businesses and activities populated throughout, it would feel much fuller and more alive.
But that also doesn’t invalidate what you’re saying about GTA IV. If it feels right, it feels right. And that’s the best feeling a game can give you. Fallout 3 is a busted mess with some of the worst shooter controls I have ever used, but maaaaaaaan do I think that game feels right.
Aht. I meant to type that and ended up typing the awkward phrasing from the post. Fixed it.
I assumed that’s what it meant, oxidizing is just the fancy word for rusting. But still, rust is science because Mars has rust and science guys like looking at Mars.
Just looked it up, I knew that one was etched into the folds in my brain.