which area of IT may I ask?
which area of IT may I ask?
Would you recommend I approach local digital marketing agencies in my city to get some experience? I have worked freelance and built a portfolio in this area, but feel I still need to demonstrate I can get results for clients
yeah that makes sense, do you work remotely as a digital nomad?
I want to find something fulfilling, I like the entrepreneurial side of business strategy, building a website and marketing, just haven’t quite found the right niche yet which makes sense to work remotely.
Yeah this makes the most sense to me, I think being some type of “trainer” or “consultant” whether it be upskilling staff on a certain business function or software would be an easier sell than being just another generic software/marketer freelancer.
Yes I did, but its harder to prove ROI on paid ads and SEO over say web design, hence right now I’m stronger on the web design side of things.