Terrorblade with Drow’s ult.
or sniper with windranger’s ult.
Terrorblade with Drow’s ult.
or sniper with windranger’s ult.
and who are you to say something should be regarded or not? do you work for valve or something? what kind of authority do you have?
and? clearly you missed the point of my comment.
they won’t even give shards for doing overwatch cases. bold of you to assume they’d pay you a penny for literally anything.
show match id or stfu
What did you expect? he plays Dota2. we are all trash talkers and there are no exceptions.
sounds like you don’t enjoy dota anymore and are just clinging to the good memories you had back when you had fun with the game.
I assure you, even if they did make a legacy version of the game, you wouldn’t feel the same as you did back then. you’ve aged and you’ve changed and so did dota. you need to accept that.
not a chance. we are already in short supply of good offlaners in lower ranks. doing this will kill the role entirely.
midas aghs on a support = speedrunning to 1k behavior score and low prio.
No because having fun is not allowed here. we should be mourning our 1400 year old dead religious leaders, not play silly video games.
Every time techies places a green mine he dies for 300 seconds.
stop making fun of her she already thinks she is ugly.
I mean its true. skin addicts have tiny dicks and look like shit. that’s why they try to satisfy their insecurities by dressing up their virtual characters with skins.
None of them. if they were any good at handling games like dota they would have made their own moba and you delusional skin addicts would have had thousands of hours in their game, not dota.
imagine buying an item that gives a damage and slow buff to a spell that already does damage and slows…
waste of gold and item slot. buy shard and glimmer then solo kill people.
what no patch does to a Mf…
The system is broken sure but that’s not how proving works bro. you need to present evidence. no one’s gonna take your word for it.
I don’t know where does this “blademail vs Wd” comes from but it NEVER did damage to WD. NEVER.
a decade of RTS experience plus all the best coaches available and it still took him one year. Damn dota is a hard game.
leauge player detected.