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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2024


  • In exchange for smoking.

    As in, not quitting ingesting nicotine. Still inhaling foreign substances into the lungs. Vaping is still shit for you.

    In the early 2000s the message was “smoking is bad, here is why, this is what it will do to you, please don’t do it”. That message was sinking in to the general public. Smoking was plummeting.

    Then austerity came along around the same time as vaping and it became far more convenient to just ask smokers to vape instead of mass education campaigns.

    Now the simple answer is just banning it.

    It’s not a solution. It normalises government overreach into day to day life, it others people and makes them targets for discrimination, and doesn’t convince people of the ills of smoking.

    It’s a dumb idea that polarises people and doesn’t fix the root issue.

    Who’s not arguing in good faith now?

  • Oh no! Smells! Call the police.

    “Yes, police service please. Somebody was stressed at work and decided to take a break to calm down and in doing so inadvertently made my jumper smelly. Can you arrest them please? They’re still here. They’re behind the bar serving pints to everyone, you can’t miss them, their t-shirt is so pongy, poooooeeeyyyyy. I’ll see you in 5 minutes.”

    I worked in a pub for a few years, do you know how difficult it is to get the plod to show up? Even if there’s two blokes kicking the shit out of each other it can be a task to get them to respond to the call.

    Making it ILLEGAL to smoke outside is ridiculous. Those who say otherwise are far happier with government overreach and authority than they’d otherwise admit.

    Edit: to add, remember when we were told sitting outside kept us safe from covid, an airborne virus, because of the constant airflow? Funny how that doesn’t apply to smoking.

  • Absolutely authoritarian.

    Education campaigns are far more effective with far less pushback than draconian bans. Let people choose for themselves.

    I remember constant campaigns in the past trying to convince the public of the ills of smoking, and it (slowly) appeared to be working. Then vaping came along, and instead of continuing the education campaigns, the health departments tactics seemed to change to “take up vaping, it’s better than smoking”.

    And now, it may just be anecdotal, but smoking appears to me at least, to be on the rise again. I wonder why?

  • Energy costs many times what it did too

    Perhaps for the consumer, not for the energy providers

    What costs more? Gas or wind? Oil or solar? Coal or wave?

    There’s a premium charged for new technology, sure. To cover R&D costs, new tooling, etc, but once the machinery is made, the fuel is essentially free. The wind blows itself, the sun has its own fuel, the tides move freely

    Energy arbitrarily costs more because those that sell it have decided it costs more. Aka corporate greed, which is what this post is complaining about in the first.

  • Fuck the owners, grow food, grow community.

    GrowVeg on YouTube is a great resource, but there’s hundreds, thousands, of people teaching gardening all over the place.

    Don’t have a boring patch of grass in your garden that does nothing for you, for biodiversity, or for your community. That’s what the aristocracy did to show off how much land they have and how rich they are that it doesn’t even need to be productive. We don’t need that arrogance.

    Grow carrots, tomatoes, strawberries, onions, cabbage, you’d be surprised how many varieties there are that you would think don’t exist looking in the supermarkets.

    Be punk, grow food.