No. But also. Yes. But also. No
Fine. Sometimes. 😆
No. But also. Yes. But also. No
Fine. Sometimes. 😆
Same over 100 hrs in my play through. Only bugs have been from mods. Aka pushing party size larger and such
God. I member BF4s PC launch. I bought a pc and it was my first game I was hyped for. I truly thought console was just better for a bit cause of how fucking bad that game was at launch lmao
The complete lack of A is concerning.
Have you looked into something like Atlas OS?
Bummer you are so negative towards turned based. It’s my favorite type of combat. 😆
Honestly not a wild conspiracy. The “bad guys” would not want us to socialize/communize as that would only make us stronger in the long run and force them to compete harder.
Same here. I find lemmy very relaxing. Multiple times a day I’ll see people admit they misunderstood and upvoting each other. It’s quite refreshing. Sure people still be people but. It feels like we care and aren’t throwing trash on the floor. Whereas Reddit everyone will wipe their ass on your nose.
I can’t remember. Did it make pterodactyl noises or is that just faxes?
One of the things I’ve loved about KDE. You can legit do whatever the fuck you want. Gnome felt so constricted in that I needed others to code a extension for me
I hate macOS therefor it’s useful cause I like to tinker. And make things do things.
Container IP sorted me. Out. Woo. Thank you 🙏
I’ll try name of container. I have tried localhost in my troubleshooting. It loads the login screen fine. But just spins for 3 minutes then errors out at some point just like the IP lol I’ll be working on it when I get home later after this flight and I’ll let you know if I solve my struggles lol
Nah. It’s on the same docker compose file through portainer. And I’ve been using the local ip. I never use local host for some reason lol
Jellyseer in docker. It won’t accept my jellyfin login. It just spins and spins. But I plan to use it locally. And everyone says you have to sign in initially not local? I don’t know. I’m annoyed with it and gave up for now.
As the above commenter mentioned it is possible to stop it eating the leash so to speak. The main problem is keeping all of those protections actually in place. We don’t seem to want to codify worker rights or anything else important to the constitution.
What’s the easy way to do this on an arch system?
I see everyone say this about scaling but I still have tons of issues with it in Wayland. If I scale my 4K 150% to be the same as my 1440p ultra wide monitor in screen height so I can drag across without any borders. It for some reason sets my in game resolution to 5k x 2k instead of 1440p like it should be. Also if the screens go to sleep the windows sizing are all worst of wrong and fucked when awoken. In general just strange and not there yet imo
Edit. Steam doesn’t get scaled either.
You had me in the first half. Not gonna lie.
Ooooof lol hello engineers???