Quit worrying.
It’s fine.
Quit worrying.
It’s fine.
Clearly you don’t have kids.
First off, is the barn system itself grounded?
If not, it does indeed need to be per the national electric code (assuming you are in the US). That would mean two separate grounding rods installed at least six feet apart.
This is truly your sole option.
Or ACTUAL separate user accounts.
The Walmart ones are pretty decent. I could afford the expensive ones but I go with those for our cars. Never had a problem.
My wife’s Hyundai had these. One of the first things I did after we bought it was take those infernal things off and put on regular lug nuts.
You absolutely did not “forget to turn it in.”
Confirm if that’s how they intend to leave it.
We have a fiber ISP in my town. If you sign up for service in the cold months when the ground is frozen, they’ll install it this way TEMPORARILY. When spring rolls around, they come back and run it underground.
It’s called a 4-port network switch.