ubi please fix the afk issue.
ubi please fix the afk issue.
battle pass is over. a new one will pop up in about 20 hours
its always like this. with every season. u need to wait extra 48 hours after the countdown in main screen reach 0.
as i said before u need to wait 48h to play the game
48 hours
my Switch is ready
48h to fully play the new season. i suggest u spend time with gf.
gone but not retired. they are joining Hammas now
i own 50400 ready for him
Just go with the flow
bots too. there are many of them. u can spot them before playing, their names are random letters and number ( example: GG221 ) sometimes random words and smily face ( example Apple-_-juice )
i want to equip any skin to any gun.
shotgun is king. not just for alibi but any operator who can access it.
install it back after 5 days. things will be better.
knocking on Castle barricade, not aware of enemy nearby. knocked by her… she was Azami. i was happy.