• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2023

  • So, you dont have enough ram to fit that model. It’s actually overrunning your ram entirely and using the wrong kind of vram, virtual ram, aka paged memory.

    Idk what you’re trying to do but the best answer is openhermes 2.5 mistral 7B Q3 and 4k context or similar or maybe Rocket 3B Q6 would be even faster.

    Hermes is king. I understand why you want that model, but 13bQ8 is huge, 17GBish memory at 8k context.

    it will speed up if you get it off the hard drive at least, try a Q3k_l if you’re determined to run mythomax.

  • How do I get this to embed? Clip is dreaming of an easier past:|||how to embed a youtube video in a reddit post for easy viewing.

    Ahoy there! Captain Clip here. Let me break it down for you step by step on how to embed a YouTube video in a Reddit post.

    1. First, find the YouTube video you wish to share and copy its URL.
    2. Next, when you’re on the Reddit website or app, create a new post and navigate to the “Share a link” section.
    3. Paste the YouTube video URL into the URL field.
    4. Instead of a simple link, a preview of the video will now appear in your post.
    5. Finally, submit your post and there you have it, an embedded YouTube video for easy viewing.

    Now, as I’m an AI, I can’t actually create a Reddit post for you, but this process should work just fine if you follow the steps. Safe travels on the interwebs!

  • |||re|Write a threatening letter to a family suspected of harboring a werebed.

    Dear [Family Name],

    We have received credible information that your household is harboring a dangerous creature known as a werebed. We understand that this situation is beyond your control, but we must act swiftly to contain this threat before it becomes an epidemic. As a responsible citizen, you must cooperate with us in the following actions:

    1. Quarantine the werebed immediately and prevent it from coming into contact with any other human beings. This is crucial in stopping the spread of this menace.

    2. Do not attempt to reverse the transformation through risky plastic surgery. This procedure is beyond your capabilities and may cause more harm than good.

    3. Report to your local health department to facilitate the proper relocation of the werebed to a secure facility.

    Failure to follow these instructions will result in legal consequences, including potential hospital bed shortages in the area. The safety of our community is paramount, and we urge you to act immediately.


    [Your Name]

    [Your Title]

    [Your Organization]

  • |||tot|Whoah hang on now, settle down a moment and let’s look: What the shit is a were-bed?

    Lets have it psyfighter2:

    My apologies for the confusion. I misunderstood your question earlier. The correct answer to your question is: A were-bed is a piece of furniture, specifically a bed, that has been enchanted or cursed to transform its occupant into a werewolf under certain conditions, usually during the full moon. This transformation can be temporary or permanent, and the exact nature of the curse or enchantment may vary depending on the source and intent. The term “were-bed” is a portmanteau combining “werewolf” and “bed,” as it relates to the transformation process occurring while sleeping in the bed. The idea of a cursed object capable of inducing a transformation is a common theme in folklore and mythology, and the were-bed is one such example.


    1. Identify key information: The question asks about the meaning of “were-bed.” The term seems to be a combination of “werewolf” and “bed,” indicating that it refers to a specific type of bed with a supernatural or cursed nature.
    2. Analyze context: The context is in the realm of folklore and mythology, where objects can be enchanted or cursed to cause transformations or harm. This suggests that the were-bed is likely related to this theme.
    3. Explore potential definitions: A were-bed could be a bed that is imbued with magic or cursed, causing its occupant to transform into a werewolf, usually during the full moon. The transformation could be temporary or permanent, and the specifics of the curse or enchantment may vary.
    4. Check for relevance: This definition aligns with the context and is consistent with the term’s combination of “werewolf” and “bed.” It provides a clear and specific meaning for the term “were-bed.”
    5. Consider alternatives: Other potential definitions, such as a bed specifically designed for werewolves or a bed made from materials associated with werewolves, are less likely given the context and the combination of terms.
    6. Construct the answer: A were-bed is a piece of furniture, specifically a bed, that has been enchanted or cursed to transform its occupant into a werewolf under certain conditions, usually during the full moon. This transformation can be temporary or permanent, and the exact nature of the curse or enchantment may vary depending on the source and intent. The term “were-bed” is a portmanteau combining “werewolf” and “bed,” as it relates to the transformation process occurring while sleeping in the bed. The idea of a cursed object capable of inducing a transformation is a common theme in folklore and mythology, and the were-bed is one such example.

  • OpenHermes 2.5 Mistral 7b Q8 interfaced with Clipboard Conqueror.

    ||code|return javascript fizzbuzz using recursion


    // Function to check if a number is divisible by 3 or 5

    function isDivisible(num) {

    return num % 3 === 0 || num % 5 === 0;


    // Recursive function to generate FizzBuzz

    function fizzBuzz(n) {

    if (n <= 0) return;

    if (isDivisible(n)) {


    } else if (n % 3 === 0) {


    } else if (n % 5 === 0) {


    } else {



    fizzBuzz(n - 1);


    // Call the function to start FizzBuzz


  • I get good results depending on model asking for a size with some hyperbole, when I want a very short summary I ask for a one sentence summary and get the minimum ideas back, usually two or three to the point statements.

    Consider what you ask for: a story or never ending roleplay will likely return longer messages than “write a concise message to reply as {{Char}} Do not write endings or drive toward conclusions”. Especially in controlling length, the words don’t trigger expected results, you gotta experiment with your lexicon a little.

    You’re not going to be able to get a specific length always, but you should have good results by tuning in the direction you want until you get your desired output size more often with only outliers containing too much.